DIY Campaign Signs...for Your Pet!
This election cycle has really gone to the dogs, AM I RIGHT?
I’ve noticed that there are considerably fewer campaign signs than during the 2016 election — and that’s not just in my neighborhood. As a whole, I haven’t seen as many around town. And because of my husband’s job, we’re not allowed to place campaign signs in our yard. So I decided to take matters into my own hands and make custom signs…for my dogs, duh!
Unfortunately, covid has caused delays in printing and shipping, and I wasn’t able to have my design printed directly onto a yard sign in time for the upcoming election. But! I got a little creative and came up with a solution.
So! In a last ditch attempt to add a little flair and maybe garner a laugh or two, I whipped these up. They were pretty cheap to make and not very time consuming (if you don’t count the 4 trips to Staples LOL). But I figured it out eventually, and I’m gonna show you how I did it so you can make a pet campaign sign of your very own!
(Your move, neighbors.)
Go to Canva
At the top right of the page, click Create a Design and then select Custom Dimensions from the dropdown menu.
Select in from the dropdown menu. Then, type in your dimensions 17 x 11 and select Create a Design.
You will now have a blank template that you can use to create the campaign sign of your (dog’s?) dreams! You can make your design as elaborate or basic as you’d like. Red, white, blue, stars, flags. Go crazy!
Here are the designs I made:
If you’d like to use these as a template, you’re in luck! CLICK HERE to go to Canva and you can modify the text and images as needed. I used the font League Spartan, and I only added an effect to the text on Teddy’s sign because it wasn’t standing out enough on its own.
You can also save these images and upload them to your own image library and edit as needed!
Once you’re finished with your design, save the file as a PDF or PNG, put it on a jump drive, and take it to your nearest print center. I used Staples, but I’ve also done a lot of printing at FedEx. Both are great options!
I printed the signs on 11x17 paper and had them laminated. This only cost $5 per design! I made 2 copies of each of my designs. I purchased a blank yard sign and trimmed it down to a little less than 11x17 with a utility knife. Finally, I taped a laminated sign on each side of the blank yard sign with clear cellophane tape.
That’s it!
We put these on the side of the yard near our fence so Scarlett and Teddy can “campaign” to passersby, ha!
We’ve already gotten some funny responses and have inadvertently met some of our neighbors!
Teddy takes his role as VP very seriously
Scarlett wants to taco bout voting 😜
Ultimately, these came out to about $15 per sign and are totally worth it, in my opinion!
If you decide to make a sign for your pet, please post a pic tag me in it using #NSScrafty