March's Word of the Month is...
Happy March!
January was 97 years long and February went by in about 4 minutes and here we are 😂
Can we be honest with each other for a moment?
I don’t fashion myself a quitter, but I kind of decided to give up on this WOTM series. The performance and response are pretty minimal. I can never seem to find the motivation or inspiration to get this post going before the 11th hour, which sometimes makes it feels like work. And so I kind of gave myself permission to give up on it.
And in the moments shortly after that, the next word came to me.
Funny how that works out, isn’t it?
I feel so behind on posting after my accident last week, but I’m giving myself grace for not having this post ready on the 1st. Well, I’m at least trying to give myself grace. Excited to work through this one this month!
As always, got a few mantras for you to keep top of mind as you move through the month. Feel free to share if you have a favorite!
Happy March!