February's Word of the Month is...

I was kind of stuck over which word to choose for this month, but once I got quiet, it came to me. Funny how that happens!

February is the shortest month of the year, but it’s a pretty impactful one. February gives us Black History Month, the Super Bowl, the Oscars, Valentine’s Day, Rihanna’s birthday…

It’s also the last full month before Daylight Savings Time, which I’m personally thrilled about. For those of you that don’t live in Nashville, we’re right on the central time zone line. It gets dark around 4:30PM, and it is soul crushing. But I can see the light at the end of the tunnel (pun intended)!

I didn’t spend January as focused up as I would’ve liked, but really, January is like the practice run for the rest of the year, right? Anyway, with that in mind, my word for February is:


This is something I really struggle with, and I’m hoping to feel like I have at least a little bit better of a grasp on it 29 days from now. When I’m not intentional with my time, I feel a heightened sense of anxiety and stress. I also feel like I lack control, but of the few things I can control in this life, what I do with my time everyday is something I absolutely have regulation over. I just don’t always use the best judgment. But I’m working on it!

Just like last time, I decided to toss in a few mantras to help me stay on track. These were really helpful to me last month, and hopefully they were for you, too! Also, we all know how I feel about a mantra, so…

You can tab over to see them all!

Here are a few ways I plan to be more intentional:

  • Bringing my work to lunch so I can actually relax and enjoy my break.

  • Not looking at my phone every time I have a free moment.

  • Journaling to explore feelings and emotions as opposed to just writing pieces to publish on here.

  • Focusing on finding art for my home and printing photos so I can feel really connected to my space.

  • Incorporating more vegetables (and less meat!) into my diet.

  • Drinking more water.

  • Purchasing less products that contain single-use plastic.

  • Using the opportunities that I have to put myself out there more in a new career field.

  • Continuing to invest in relationships that are fulfilling (including my marriage!)

  • Reading before bed instead of staring at my phone.

Okay, that’s kind of a lot of things. But some of them are things I’ve actively been working towards, and others will be small but impactful ways I can prioritize my time and life.

What do you think? Is this word of the month one you can get on board with? Do you have any tips for being intentional? Let me know in the comments!
