All Natural Tips to Tell the Cooties “NOT TODAY, SATAN”
We’re creeping up on that time of year where it seems like everybody is getting sick. In Nashville, where the weather does the bend and (cold) snap at least a dozen times before settling into the fall season, it’s not uncommon to come down with a cold or general feelings of malaise a few times this time of year.
Much to my mother’s disappointment, I’m no doctor. But I do have a pretty decent track record of staying healthy! Yes, I know I’m jinxing myself, but I’m doing it for the greater good. You’re welcome! While there’s no surefire way to keep sickness at bay, I’ve got a few tricks in my arsenal that will keep you feeling as bright-eyed and bushy tailed as daylight savings time will allow. And bonus, they’re all natural (except for 1) and most are available at places like Whole Foods, Sprouts, and even Target if you need them in a pinch!
So, when you start feeling down with the sickness…
hit add to cart on these items
Source Naturals Wellness Formula
A former boss recommended this to me, and I swear by it. The second you start feeling funky, start loading up on this supplement. Your body will be so pummeled with vitamins, herbs, antioxidants, and minerals it won’t have any choice but to submit to your will! I took these everyday on my trip to Europe because I was out of my normal sleeping and eating routine (which is when sickness tends to attack!), and I honestly felt great.
Also, whatever you do, get the capsules and not the tablets because WOW those are disgusting. You have been warned!
Xlear Saline Nasal Spray
My husband’s cousin told me about this (thanks, Lindsey!), and I love it! It’s an all natural saline spray, so you can use it every single day without any weird side effects. According to WebMD, “some studies show that a saline solution restores moisture to dry nasal passages and sinuses, and curbs inflammation of mucous membranes.” If you’ve never tried a saline spray, it isn’t nearly as uncomfortable as you might imagine. I had a weird experience with a Neti Pot that I can admit was totally my fault for using it incorrectly but ANYWAY this is my dummy-proof version LOL.
Yogi Echinacea Immune Support Tea
This tea is delicious on its own or with a little local honey. Hot tea is so soothing and can open up those pathways that tend to get a little stuffy this time of year. Echinacea was discovered in the late 1800s and is a favorite of herbalists (and all your hippie dippy friends!) to assist in the prevention and treatment of colds. Also, Yogi teas have a tag on each bag with a little intention on them, and I appreciate anything that encourages me to be more mindful these days!
Ricola with Echinacea
Are you sensing a theme here? I have these scattered everywhere. My nightstand. My purse. The pocket of every winter coat I own. Being the one person incessantly coughing in a quiet setting is my actual nightmare. These are natural and effective and don’t taste yucky.
Seventh Generation Disinfectant Spray
A few years ago, I starting switching to all natural cleaning products. That could be an entirely separate post, but I’ll keep it brief — this is less toxic and more pleasant smelling than Lysol and just as effective. This can safely be used on food surfaces, children’s toys, the shoes that you accidentally stepped in dog poop in while at your neighbors’ backyard cookout…Use on doorknobs, TV remotes, light switches, counters, and anything else your hands regularly come in contact with and tell those cooties to GTFOH! Bonus, no rinsing required after you spray!
Okay, so here’s my one non-natural contribution to this list. But when I can tell I’m about to come down with something, all bets are off. My doctor back home in Georgia swore by using Listerine. He said he used it every night, and hadn’t had a cold for 8 years. What!? Listerine doesn’t rank as poorly on Think Dirty as you might assume, but I’m sure there are cleaner options out there. Should I also mention that I’m not a dentist? Anyway, I always have a bottle of this on hand, and I really feel like it helps. Also, you have to get the OG kind that burns off your taste buds. You know the one I’m talking about! #nopainnogain
Other helpful tips
Avoid dairy
I don’t consume a ton of dairy anyways, but when my throat starts feeling scratchy, I avoid it at all costs. Dairy causes phlegm (even typing that word grosses me out) to thicken, and that’s exactly what you don’t want when you’re already feeling rough. Also, limiting your caffeine and sugar intake is helpful if you can but no judgment if you can’t because coffee = life.
Keep your hands clean
Use hand sanitizer and/or wash your hands any time you come in contact with something a little iffy, are touching things in a public place, after you blow your nose/cover up a cough/etc, or before you eat. I know this seems like a no-brainer, but LEST YOU FORGET, I am here to remind you. That gas pump is gross. That $20 bill the cashier handed back to you is gross. The general public is gross — ESPECIALLY this time of year. Do your self a solid and keep those paws clean!
Stop touching your face
Not only does this habit produce zits, you’re basically transferring germs directly into your body. Stop that!
Just stay home.
I know you have a job and a social life. I get it. But if everyone out there is sick, invite friends over to your house (not the sick ones LOL), or go for a hike, or do something that doesn’t involve being around hundreds of other potentially sick people. And if you’re looking for an excuse to be antisocial, this is it!
If you get sick
Calm down
When I was younger, I got sick every Thanksgiving and Christmas. I’m pretty sure it was anxiety-related. When the body is stressed, it is more susceptible to illness because the immune system is weakened. Try to be mindful of what specifically is causing you stress and come up with a plan to deal with it proactively so you don’t miss out on any of the season’s festivities.
Also, if you get sick for whatever reason, try to be patient with yourself and your body. Berating yourself for things beyond your control just creates more stress which makes it even more difficult to get well. Use it as an excuse to camp out on the couch in your favorite hoodie and watch “The Office” for the millionth time!
Don’t give up
While it’s always better to catch these things on the front end, don’t abandon your good habits once you start feeling poorly because you’re going to get sick anyways. Do what makes you feel good, but be mindful that some of those habits or behaviors could prolong your sickness. Hitting the bars all night when you’ve been achy and sneezing all day might not be the best move. You could also be spreading germs to the unsuspecting people who haven’t read this post yet! Oh noooo…
Practice self care
If you’re feeling rough, doing your usual 5 miles at the gym might not be beneficial to you in this time. Maybe self care is taking a long hot shower with eucalyptus in the bathroom. Maybe it’s letting yourself take an extra nap in the afternoon. Maybe it’s ditching your coffee habit for hot tea and water for a few days. Tune into your body and what it needs. And if you need more info on self care, you can visit this post here.
Splurge on the good tissues
Spend $2 extra and get the tissues with lotion in them. Nothing worse than a runny nose that’s nearly raw from burying your face in cheap, store brand tissues. YOU DESERVE BETTER. Trust me on this one.
I hope this season finds you feeling merry and bright, but if it doesn’t, I hope some of these tips help you find your way back to that place very soon.