How to Get to the Gym When You Can't Get Motivated

“Motivation” is a word I encounter often.

“I wish I had more motivation to _______.”

Your brain probably completed that sentence!

This year I’ve really prioritized going to the gym as a way to combat stress and anxiety. Being active doesn’t come naturally to me, and I haven’t always had the healthiest relationship with going to the gym. For years I viewed it as punishment for an “over-indulgent” dinner or a lazy day spent catching up on my favorite TV shows. I still slip into those mindsets occasionally, but I’m in a much better place with it now.

I know what it’s like to want to want to go to the gym or to be active, but not be able to find the motivation to get there. I still have those days, and when I’m feeling really resistant, I try to be gentle with myself and assess why I’m actually feeling that way. And while I don’t think we need to push ourselves too hard, if you find yourself reading this post in search of answers, it seems like you want to get your body moving, too, and maybe you just don’t exactly know how.

I got you! 

I actually wrote this post on the stair climber, so you know I mean business, ha! I hope you find this helpful. And if you have any tips or ideas, please share in the comments. I would love to hear them!

Put on your most fire gym outfit 

When you look good, you feel good. It’s a fact! I don’t feel the most confident entering a gym setting, but if I like my outfit, that helps me feel more comfortable and motivated. It sounds superficial, but hey, whatever works! If you don’t have a fave workout ensemble, get one! Everyone has affordable athleisure these days. My fave pieces have come from Target’s Joylab line, Old Navy, and the New Balance outlet. You don’t have to spend a fortune to look cute. And notice I said get ONE. When you feel more committed, you can reward yourself with more fun outfits! Otherwise you might end up with a lot of cute loungewear, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but…

Put on your most comfortable outfit

If you really don’t want to work out, putting on your tightest fitting ensemble isn’t going to make you anymore inclined to get your heart rate up. Make it easy for you to move that beautiful body! Maybe it’s sweats. Maybe it’s leggings and a baggy tee. Maybe it’s your astronaut costume from Halloween. I don’t know! Do what you gotta do!

Recruit a friend

You’re probably thinking of someone right now that’s your “fitness friend.” If you don’t know how to get started, I’m sure they would be thrilled to help you! Also, most gyms offer a free buddy pass. If you want to tag along with a friend to see what they’re into, you can usually do so free of charge. If you’re thinking of taking on a new activity but don’t want to make the financial commitment quite yet, lots of places offer a complimentary day pass or an introductory trial rate for 30-90 days. Lastly, we’re so conditioned to meeting friends for dinner and drinks — what about meeting for a hike? I’ve had 2 friends ask me to go on morning hikes with them, and it was the best way to start my day. We had some really good conversations, and because they were familiar with the trails, all I had to do was show up. Bonus: lots of animal sightings!  

Pump up the jams

Music and sound in general are great motivators for me. So many of you messaged me that the white noise hack from my last post blew your minds. It’s been a game changer for me. Actually doing it right now! Spotify has great pre-made playlists that are regularly updated. I have done it all. The entire Britney Spears catalog on the elliptical. The somber piano playlist where I walk at a snails pace and weep to myself on the treadmill (don’t judge me!). Listen, channel whatever mood you’re in and feel those feelings and release them. And if someone asks if you’re okay, just use it as an opportunity to make a new friend LOL. Podcasts are also great. I love finding out what podcasts are resonating with my friends and giving them a listen at the gym or on long car rides.

Think about how accomplished you’ll feel after you complete your workout

This one can be a challenge if you haven’t worked out in a bit and are trying to get back into the swing of things. But remembering that sense of pride for doing something positive for myself is a strong motivator to get me out of the house. Close your eyes and remember the last time you did something good for yourself and how amazing it felt. That feeling can be addictive! Grab onto it and go go go!

Remember that it’s a privilege to be able to move your body

My grandma is 94. And when I find myself glued to the couch, I think about how she would probably give anything to take off running down the street or dancing around her kitchen or just stretching her body without doing more harm than good. Youth is fleeting and we only have this one body. Embrace it!

There might be mystery benefits! 

If you’re feeling stuck, moving your body can help shake things up for you. I started writing a project at the beginning of summer, and for a while, some of my most inspired writing came while I was at the gym. I think because I was so focused on not hyperventilating, my writing had a certain flow that wasn’t bogged down with my tendency to overanalyze my words. Who knows what’s in it for you, but there’s only one way to find out 😉

Do something fun!

If working out feels like you’re punishing yourself, I get it. I’ve spent years of my life in that trap. I still slip back into it from time to time. But you can make it fun by going with a friend! Or by doing something you actually enjoy — go to a dance class, walk around your neighborhood and take in the holiday decorations, play in the backyard with your pets, rent a bike at the park, take a burlesque class, do goat yoga! Being active can be fun, and there are more options than ever for getting your body moving. I think a lot of it has to do with your mindset, which brings me to my next tip…

Have realistic expectations

If you haven’t been in a while and are committed to making up for the last 7 months you’ve spent not working out, you are priming yourself for disappointment. Going to the gym or being active at all is an accomplishment! I had one of my best runs on a day I tagged along with Justin in basically pajamas (see second tip!) and was intent on walking the duration of his workout. But a song caught me in the mood and I took OFF. I hadn’t run that far since college! If you haven’t been active in a while, maybe start with something low impact like walking 30 minutes on the treadmill. Or walking a mile or walking to the end of your street. There isn’t a bad place to start just as long as you get started! My favorite machine is the stair climber, and there are days when my knee is being wonky and I know getting that on that machine would do more harm than good. There’s no use beating myself up about it. I need to listen to my body! But I can do a few miles on the bike or take a walk around the neighborhood or stretch at the house while listening to whatever music fits my mood at the time. There is no such thing as a perfect workout, and doing anything is a good thing! I think so much of working out is mental, and it’s taken me a really long time to figure that out. I want to move my body because I love it, not because I’m trying to fix something wrong with it. If your motivation comes from a good place, it will be easier to continue to stay motivated.

Be gentle with yourself.

Listen to your body.

Start small.

You got this!

I hope this has been helpful, and I hope you feel inspired to get moving in some way this week. I’m proud of you!
